Aimo's tales from the Falklands, Antarctica & Beyond

I'm back, Hurrah for me.

Its been nearly six months all told since I departed sunny England for Antarctica, it all started . . . . . are we sitting comfortably . . . . . . .

No, you're OK, I'm not going to get all ethical about global warming & saving the planet, not my style, I was there to project manage the construction of the first phase of the infrastructure redevelopment of the British Antarctic Survey's research station at Rothera, Adelaide Island, Antarctica.

First & foremost I have to say it was an absolute bloody privilege to be there, after all how many others get to drink G&T's chilled with ice thousands of years old.

Anyway back to the story . . . . . . .

Chapter One - Punta Arenas, Tierra del Fuego 2006

So there we go, that was the story of 2006/2007, but it doesn't end there, argghhh, I hear you scream, well, I would if you were in the same room as me, but fortunately for you you're not, anyway's with bags again packed I flew the nest mid November (2007) & again headed for Heathrow never dreaming that the journey to Rothera would almost be as eventful as twelve months earlier . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter Eight - There & Back Again

Well, its nearly Christmas 2008 & I've just got back to Blighty having spent most of the month basking under blue skies in the Falklands, yes it really was bright & breezy with not a drop of rain in sight, anyway when I wasn't working I got out & about & saw a bit more of West Island than I have on previous flying visits . . . . . . . .

OK, I'm not heading back to Antarctica this winter, or the Falklands for that matter, however I've just spent a week in Ascension Island, to bloody hot, boring bit first . . . .

Chapter Thirteen - Ascension Island September 2009

It's amazing how things can so quickly go from shiny shiny to poo, anyway when it wasn't poo Idid get out & about a bit so here's that bit without the boring poo bit . . . . .


One more for the road, it's funny how things change, one minute you're on a windfarm in sunny Doncaster, the next you're on a plane back to Antarctica - Halley VI . . . .

Chapter Seventeen - Halley VI, Brunts Ice Shelf, Antarctica Nov 2011 to March 2012 Part 1

Chapter Eighteen - Halley VI, Brunts Ice Shelf, Antarctica Nov 2011 to March 2012 Part 2

Chapter Nineteen - Halley VI, Brunts Ice Shelf, Antarctica Nov 2011 to March 2012 Part 3

So, its funny how things pan out, I'm off on an exploratory trip next month to TdC 7 then next year going back for seven months . . . .

Chapter Twenty - Tristan da Cunha - Part 1 ?

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